Lowongan Kerja Supervisor Marketing PT. PROCOAT ENERGI BARU Terbaru

Saat ini Kami akan memberikan Informasi Lowongan kerja PT. PROCOAT ENERGI BARU untuk Penempatan di Cikarang Utara, Jawa Barat simak informasi detail nya dibawah ini.


Saat ini PT. PROCOAT ENERGI BARU sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja penempatan Cikarang Utara, Jawa Baratuntuk menempati Posisi sebagai.

Dibutuhkan Untuk Posisi :

  • Supervisor Marketing

Kualifikasi :

Requirements &amp Qualifications: 

  • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications, or related field
  • Minimum 5 years of experience as a marketing strategist, marketing manager, or similar  rule
  • Proven track record of project management and strong attention to detail
  • In-depth knowledge of content management systems
  • Proficient in Ms. Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) 
  • Honest, creative thinker, data-driven and fast in making decisions 
  • Have the ability as a good Conceptor and Executor 
  • Excellent communication skills in negotiating and establishing relationships with customers 
  • Make daily, weekly, monthly reports and monitor sales performance 
  • Great leadership skill


Duties &amp Responsibilities:

  • Set specific marketing goals that align with the overall direction and business goals
  • Communicate and negotiate with consumers and potential consumers 
  • Conduct market analysis/research to determine the potential for brand growth according to consumer needs or preferences to support campaign creations
  • Prepare creative and effective sales plans and be able to see new business opportunities 
  • Prepare work plans, starting from sales targets/achievements, appropriate sales planning (exhibitions/exhibitions) 
  • Review and analyze sales based on predetermined sales targets 
  • Monitor and achieve sales targets 
  • Manage budgets for promotions and marketing 
  • Provide input related to the implementation of promotional/branding programs for improvements that are in accordance with consumer needs 
  • Effectiveness of branding and promotional programs that have been implemented 
  • Effectiveness of measuring customer satisfaction and handling complaints 
  • Generate innovative ideas to promote our brand and our products
  • Develop business cases to support new marketing strategies, budget requests, projects, and marketing plans
  • Use customer feedback to ensure client satisfaction
  • Ensure brand alignment to increase brand awareness and equity
  • Create and analyze monthly sales and marketing reports to the General Manager

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